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The fertile Whitewater Valley encouraged settlers to stop their westward movement and settle the area in the early 1800's. Area farmers continue to reap rewards with innovative farming techniques today. Wayne County has a strong agricultural base in grain (corn, soybeans, oats, wheat, canola), beef, pork, and poultry.

Local | Business | Government | Families | Education | Statistics

Local Farm Service Organizations

Extension Office (Purdue CES)
County Administration Building, 401 East Main Street
Richmond, IN 47374
765.973.9281 or 765.973.9283

Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture (Local Office)
823 South Round Barn Road
Richmond, IN 47374

Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation District
823 South Round Barn Road
Richmond, IN 47374
765.966.0191 Ext. 3

Local Food Sources and Agricultural Tourism

Farmer's Market Search

Indiana Grown - database of local Indiana food producers

Indiana Grown - Consumer Awareness Guide

Harvest Calendar: Indiana Fruits & Vegetables

Indiana Agritourism Directory

Business of Agriculture

Agritourism for Operators

The Chat 'n Chew Cafe - Agronomic News & info for the Corn Belt

Forage Information

Purdue Agronomy On-Line!

Indiana Market Maker

Indiana Woodlands Information

Ag Commodity Market Prices

Grain Elevators

Cargill AgHorizons
3185 East Old State Road 122
Boston, IN

Harvest Land Co-op
1435 Northwest 5th Street
Richmond, IN 47374

4379 Jacksonburg Road
Hagerstown, IN

Economy, IN

State and Federal Government Agencies

Indiana: Department of Agriculture -includes many links to all Indiana farm related agencies, including government offices, Purdue extension links, and weather sites.

Indiana State Board of Animal Health

U. S. Department of Agriculture

For Farm Families

Retirement and Estate Planning for Farm Families

Hoosier Homestead Award - sponsored by the Indiana Office of the Commissioner of agriculture, recognizes farms that have been in the same family for at least 100 consecutive years.

Education and History

AGRICOLA - National Agriculture Library

Agriculture in the Classroom

Agricultural Resources - ideas, resources and links from the American Farm Bureau Foundation

Growing a Nation - History of Agriculture in the United States

History of American Agriculture 1776 to 1990 - by the USDA, timeline for everything from "Life on the Farm", to "Machinery", to "Government Programs"

National Ag Safety Database

Purdue: College of Agriculture

USDA Educational Resources

Who Is Farming in Indiana?


Census of Agriculture for Indiana

Indiana Agricultural Statistics

Indiana Fact Sheet

USDA Economic Research Service

USDA's Economics, Statistics and Market Information System


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

Community Photo

More Photos:
Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

Singin' Sam, the Barbasol Man, (Harry Frankel) was the highest paid radio performer in his time. He was a Richmond, Indiana native and retired to Richmond before his death at the age of 60 on June 12, 1948.