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see also: Real Estate | Senior Housing

Apartments and Rental Homes

Cambridge City
Cambridge Square 2 Apartments 765.478.3500
Dublin Senior Housing 765.478.6888
Stone Gate Apartments 765.478.5879
Panoramic Apartments 765.855.5240
Adam H Bartel Senior Apartments 765.939.4016
Ardene Schoeffler's Residential Rentals 765.962.3627
Bethlehem Community 765.966.0816
Cambridge Square of Richmond 765.962.4526
Carriage House of Richmond 765.935.3796
Cedar Cliff Apartments 765.965.1342
Chester Heights Apartments 765.962.0242
Concord Village Apartments 765.962.0728
Country Club Apartments 765.935.2085
Cummings Properties, LLC 765.962.1832
Dogwood Terrace 765.965.4840
East Ridge Apartments 765.965.1342
FRG Real Estate Management LLC 765.966.7653
Friends Fellowship Community 765.962.6546
Greenwood Apartments 765.962.0886
Interfaith Apartments 765.966.0064
Ivy Green Apartments 765.962.2844
Lingle Management Company
(includes Winding Ridge Apartments and Park Ridge Apartments)
Molina Properties, LLC 765.277.2488
Nine North Apartments 765.962.5240
Parc Lorraine Cooperative, Inc. 765.966.1298
Park Ridge Apartments 765.966.1581
Renaissance Properties Management, LLC 765.966.4980
Rosewood Terrace 765.962.2471
Starr Senior Apartments 765.973.6927
Steins Property Management 765.962.3497
Stonehenge Apartments 765.966.8852
Terry Harkleroad Properties 765.966.5353
Towne House Village Apartments 765.966.4953
Winding Ridge Apartments 765.966.1581

Useful Links

Indiana Apartment Association

The Basics of Renters Insurance

HomeFair - offers mortgage, relocation, and moving calculators in addition to city comparisons.

HUD - Renters Information


Tenant Rights, Laws and Protections: Indiana


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Did You Know?

Fossiliferous limestone of the Ordovician Period in the Whitewater Gorge is 425 Million years old. It is one of only two places in the United States where this type of limestone is exposed to the surface.